S2E3 - Gone With The Wind

JFK majored in history and so did business entrepreneur Martha Stewart, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, comedian Larry David, and a host of other well-known politicians and celebrities. But according to a 2018 analysis published by the American Historical Association, only 5 history degrees are awarded per 1,000 college graduates. Only 5. Why is that? Should we have our antennas up? And why is it that the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point just recently toyed with eliminating 13 majors from its liberal arts program with history being one of them?
In this episode, we speak with three college students who help us to understand how and why they became history majors at a time when studying history simply for history’s sake might just be a thing of the past. Could this be a ‘Gone with the Wind’ moment?
Please note that this episode was produced prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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