S2E1 - Toto, We’re Not in Kansas Anymore

Welcome back to another informative season of Civics is Dead! Our second season, “Boots on the Ground” continues to explore the side-lining of social studies education in favor of English/language arts and math through the lens of those educators, students, and parents who are in the trenches everyday. Do their experiences support the data that shows teachers just don’t have the time for social studies and civics education anymore?
In this episode, we tackle the marginalization of social studies education by speaking with first grade teacher Antoinette Hatzopoulos, recipient of the 2018-2019 Margaret Simon Award for Excellence in Elementary Social Studies Education given by the Long Island Council of the Social Studies. We will learn about her successes and her challenges as she attempts to make social studies education relevant again. Perhaps this will be how we discover the way to Oz. Our democracy depends on it.
Please note that this episode was produced prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
A production of LIU Public Radio. Visit us at WCWP.org and follow us on Twitter @CivicsIsDead